My Week Unwrapped: June 21, 2024 – Mystery Detective Adventure, LUNA The Shadow Dust, Puzzle Lovers and More

Hi everyone, and welcome back to My Week Unwrapped, where I discuss all the games I’ve been playing over the last seven days. I ended up spending most of my time working on a walkthrough for a single game and I’m nowhere close to being done with it. Then a new Adventure Escape game dropped, so I’ve been up to my neck with walkthroughs. So there aren’t a lot of games to discuss today, but still ones worth reading about. Let’s get started.

Mystery Detective Adventure

On a whim, I tried FIVE-BN STUDIO’s latest game, Mystery Detective Adventure, because my readers have asked me to cover their games in the past. I don’t love hidden object games, so that aspect turns me off a bit, but I was impressed with the story and especially the voice acting. So far I’ve played through the first two cases and made a full step-by-step guide for the first. I have to say, some of the puzzles in the first case were incredibly annoying, made worse by the fact that they’re randomized and different each time you play. The second case felt more fair with the puzzles and I’ll see what the third is like. But overall, for a game that’s completely free as long as you don’t need hints or skips, it’s pretty impressive. I would recommend giving it a try, but I can certainly see how the $20 collector’s edition with free hints and skips can be tempting if you get stuck.

LUNA The Shadow Dust mobile

I’ve been waiting for what seems like forever for LUNA The Shadow Dust to come to mobile and it’s finally here! It’s a point-and-click adventure without words, and each puzzle is restricted to one area as you make your way up the tower. What caught my eye when it first released on other platforms was the gorgeous hand-drawn artwork. It’s still the star of the show, and I honestly wish I loved the rest of the game as much as the look of it. Unfortunately the puzzles so far either feel a little too obtuse or a little too tedious. For instance, I love the little creature I adopted along my journey, but going back and forth between controlling the two characters feels overly clunky at times. There was one puzzle where I figured out pretty quickly what it wanted, and I liked the idea of it. But I groaned when I realized how much repetition of the same steps it required to carry it out. And unfortunately, that just seems like the control scheme here. You’re constantly swapping back and forth between the two characters to have them each perform actions the others can’t. In theory, it’s a great idea, but it just doesn’t feel so great carrying it out. I may still continue with it, but I’m swamped this week so it will likely have to wait. I recommend watching some of my video and maybe reading reviews before buying it.

Adventure Escape Mysteries – Puzzle Lovers

We knew already that another Adventure Escape Mysteries game was coming soon, but not exactly how soon. Well, Puzzle Lovers is now available as part of a VIP package. For $8.99 you get to play the game several weeks earlier than those playing for free, and you also get a bonus game called Reunion. This one’s on the easy side so far, so those who like trickier puzzles might want to save their money. But I do appreciate that we’ve playing another Survivor-like game where we get to vote people off the island. Covenant was one of my favorite games from Haiku and part of that was because of the choices we made. So now we get a similar layout but with a dating show. I’m only on the second of six chapters, but I’m already starting to wonder how things play out with different choices. It might be good if the puzzles are easier because that will allow for quicker playthroughs to try for different dialogue and endings. Anyway, I’ll report back when I’ve played more, but until then you can follow along with my walkthrough and maybe share with each other the results of your choices.

Genshin Impact

And last, I played Genshin Impact this week, but it’s still in middle of a dry spell. There was one short event that didn’t wow me. I did take this opportunity to find the rest of the oculi in Fontaine, though. I’ll eventually play Clorinde’s story quest, hopefully before the next big update. Meanwhile, I’m just enjoying the break.

And that’s everything I’ve been up to this week! I also watched the rest of Bridgerton‘s third season. I can’t say it was the most surprising season, but I am curious as to where they’ll go from here. I also started Resident Alien, which I have mixed feeling about. Sometimes I love it and sometimes it feels like it’s wearing out it’s welcome. I’ll probably stick with it, though. Anyway, let me know in the comments section which games you’re playing and I’ll see you back here next time with more of My Week Unwrapped!

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