RoomBreak: Escape Now!! Walkthrough: Episode 4, Room 1

RoomBreak: Escape Now!!
By: Gameday

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Episode 4, Room 1:

1.Pick up the hammer.

2. Use the hammer to break the rocks.

3. Press the red button underneath to reveal a hidden mural.

4. Press each of the four alien heads and a new item is revealed in the wall to the left. It’s a bunch of blue balls. Separate them each, so you have six blue balls.

5. Examine the mural to the right:


6. Place the blue balls in the holes on the wall to match the mural, so they look like this:


7. Use the hammer on the four alien heads from before and take the red balls that are revealed.

8. Place them in the holes on the wall like so:


9. A pendant rises from the ground:


10. Place the pendant in the middle, where it says “pendant.”

11. The door to the right opens up. You can escape!



Click here for my review.

RoomBreak Walkthrough Main Page

Episode 1:
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

Episode 2
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

Episode 3:
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

Episode 4:
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

Episode 5:
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

Episode 6:
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Room 4
Room 5

If you liked this game, try these other room escape games.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. karatefish

    U can find the golden key by slamming on the blue symbol on the left wall with the hammer 😉

  2. Melissa

    Oh my god. I’ve been using the hammer many times in that four alien heads to get the red orbs or something, but all that happens is nothing!! Please please help. I really enjoy this game 🙁

    1. AppUnwrapper

      The hammer can be annoying sometimes. It almost drive me insane on certain levels. But there is an extra that you can buy (you should also get a couple of them for free with the game) that allows you to skip the hammer puzzle. But be careful, bc if you use it and don’t pass the level, you’d have to use another one if you want to skip that puzzle on the retry.

      1. Blahblahgurl

        Argh, I used them and I can’t buy anything anymore. The hammer is still not working on the four alien heads! Please help me! T_T

  3. Debs

    Why cant i get the balls to come out of the mural? What do i need to do?

  4. Hang

    Where i can find the golden key ?

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