Adventure Escape Mysteries – Puzzle Lovers: Chapter 2 Walkthrough Guide

Adventure Escape Mysteries – Puzzle Lovers
By: Haiku Games

Haiku Games is back with a new Adventure Escape game, this time a romance-adventure in which you get to choose your character and then date men, women or both! You’ll solve the world’s greatest puzzles in the most beautiful locales. This walkthrough guide should help you if you get stuck on any of the puzzles in Chapter 2 of Puzzle Lovers. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section.

See all my other Adventure Escape guides here.


Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6

Chapter 2:

You can watch my video for Chapter 2 or continue below for my step-by-step guide:

1. We need to solve the mystery of Mystère Island, but first you need to choose a partner. Talk to everyone and then make your decision. Again, I’m just going to follow where the game is leading just to see what happens. So I chose Jake. And since the tablet that chooses the pairs isn’t working, I got my wish!

2. First thing we have to do is jump off the plane! So let’s find what we need. First, move the pillows and grab the small key from under them. Use it to unlock the briefcase and get the handle from inside. Also, look at the screen to see an image of Mystère Island. There’s four numbers you can make out. Use them to unlock the glass cabinet — red 8, green 5, yellow 2, blue 3. Or 8523.

3. Take the parachute from the glass cabinet and attach the handle to the floor hatch. Pull the handle to open it and then jump out!

4. The parachute cords got tangled! Now we have to solve a puzzle to untangle them. You want all the cords to be white, as that means none are overlapping. I also made a video that might help.

5. We finally made it to the island! First, grab the parachute cord from the parachute.

6. There’s a lot to do here. First, move the rock aside to get a wooden ring. Get rid of the palm leaves on the ground and grab the branch. Use the branch to reach the coconut in the tree and then pick up the coconut oil. Use it to free the machete.

8. Use the machete on the shrub and two overgrown spots. Grab the wooden dowel, wooden disc, and notice the strange door.

9. Before examining the left door, look at the right door where you got the wooden disc from. Use the machete to clear the vines and grab another wooden dowel. Notice there’s an item missing on the door so we’ll have to come back here later.

10. Place the wooden disc, wooden ring, and two wooden dowels on the left door to open it. The bridge is destroyed! But let’s move forward now, through the door.

11. Use the machete to cut the vines blocking your way. You’ll then get the vines.

12. There’s a cabin in front of us that looks too new, so it must be part of the show. Look at the door lock and notice it says COUPLES ONLY. There’s a clue on the tree. Find all the heart couples and count how many are in each row. That’s the code — 3121.

13. The door is stuck but they pry it open — and create a disaster. First, move the tree. Also, clear the three sets of debris and pick up the planks and computer. Grab the wooden heart that was under the computer. Place the computer on the desk next to the monitor. A fishing rod should have fallen from the satellite dish when you cleared the debris, so add the parachute cord as fishing line. We still have a safe to open and we need power for the computer.

14. Go back to the bridge and use the vines as suspension and add the planks to rebuild the bridge. Use the fishing rod to get the other wooden heart.

15. Now you have both hearts. Place them on the door and go through to… active volcanoes?!

16. For now, just move the junk aside and grab the shovel.

17. Leave the area to see a boar blocking your path. Shake the pants to get a silver key to fall out from them.

18. The boar’s hungry, so go back to the volcanic area and use the silver key to unlock the cooler. Take the dehydrated soup and empty thermos from inside.

19. Go back out and fill the thermos with water from the waterfall.

20. Go back to the volcanic area and place the dehydrated soup in the pot. Add the water from the thermos. Take the thermos back and collect the soup in it.

21. Go back out and pour the soup into the food bowl for the boar. He’ll eat it and run off and the path is clear again.

22. Go back to the cabin. Use the shovel to dig up the strange rocks. Grab the thermal scanner from the box.

23. Go back to the volcanoes and use the thermal scanner to see symbols on the four volcanoes. Take photos of them or note them down.

24. Go back to the cabin and enter those four symbols into the safe. Then take the heat-resistant gear from inside.

25. Head back to the volcanic area. For some reason, there are poisonous plants blocking your way now. Use the heat-resistant gear to remove them and continue on. Then use the heat-resistant gear to grab the solar panel.

26. Head back to the cabin. There’s a snake blocking your way, so use the heat-resistant gear to get rid of it.

27. We can’t use the solar panel yet since it got dark, so instead we have a nice romantic dinner. You have two more dialogue choices to make, but I don’t think they affect the story too much. Choose what you want.

28. When the sun rises, grab the cloth napkin and hook up the solar panel. For some reason it’s not working. Use the cloth napkin to clean it off and then inspect the computer.

29. Now we have to solve another puzzle. For the Triangulate puzzle, guide the electrical dot to the orange triangle at the far right. Each time the dot moves onto a triangle, the triangle rotates. If you reach a dead end, the machine resets. I made a video for you.

30. Tap on the screen. The island is about to be destroyed! You manage to get onto the plane just in time.

31. It’s time to vote someone off! Talk to Xia when you’re ready. I was going to choose Jon, since he’s the obvious choice, but I decided to go with Ivy instead.

32. You then have another dialogue choice and again I’m not sure it matters a whole lot.

And that’s the end of Chapter 2! Click here to continue to Chapter 3 or choose a chapter below.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Shorty

    Where do we find the key for the cooler?

  2. Sara Brown

    Hey. I paid $6.99 for the Early Access and it only gave me Chapter 1! What should I do?

    1. Bree

      You probably played The Reunion (single chapter) instead of the regular game! Swipe the screen to get the actual game which is 6 chapters

  3. Donielle

    I cannot find the silver key for the cooler

    1. Bree

      You probably played the exclusive chapter (The Reunion) but the other one is the original game!

    2. Bree

      Sorry wrong comment!

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