My Week Unwrapped: July 23, 2017 – Color Magnet, Franz Kafka Videogame, Sidewords, Day of the Tentacle, The Lion’s Song and More

Hi everyone! It's been another long week with lots of games, so I'm here with My Week Unwrapped to tell you about them. There are also a lot of great sales this week, so don't forget to scroll all the way down for those so you catch them before the sales end! Sidewords If you're a fan of Typeshift, you'll want to grab Milkbag Games' Sidewords. It utilizes a simple idea to…

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AppUnwrapper’s Best iOS Games of 2015

2015 was a big year for mobile. There were so many great games, especially in the adventure and puzzle genres. I couldn't possibly play through all of them, so there are likely some hits that I missed. But based on the ones I did play, these were my favorites. Other than Her Story, these aren't in any particular order. You can find my reviews by clicking on each game's title. It was…

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AppUnwrapper’s April & May 2015 iOS Games Roundup

Back in March, I started something new on I gave a roundup of all the best games I wrote about throughout the month. I was very busy in April and May, so April never got its own roundup. But fear not! It's back and with a double-whammy including both months. So, without further ado, I give you the April/May 2015 iOS games roundup. I will post the most notable games first.…

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Broken Age Act 2 Walkthrough Guide: Shay & Vella Final Puzzles (Ending)

Broken Age Γò¼├┤Γö£├▒Γö£Γöé By: Double Fine Productions, Inc. This step-by-step walkthrough guide will take you through the final puzzles alternating between Shay and Vella. It's assumed that you've completed everything else in each of their stories. If you haven't, try my complete walkthrough guide to get you there. See my other Broken Age guides here. Shay and Vella (final puzzles): 1. Switch to Shay. Use the clue from the family photo that…

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Broken Age Act 2 Walkthrough Guide: Vella Escaping Control Room Using Control Sphere and Safety Hexipal (Hexi-gal) Bot

Broken Age Γò¼├┤Γö£├▒Γö£Γöé By: Double Fine Productions, Inc. This is part of my complete step-by-step Broken Age Act 2 walkthrough. This guide will help you escape the control room using the control sphere and the safety Hexipal (Hexi-gal) bot. See my step-by-step Broken Age Act 2 walkthrough. See my other Broken Age guides. You can watch my video or follow the instructions below. Using the control sphere from the control room, go…

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Broken Age Act 2 Walkthrough Guide: How to Get Mom to Open the Central Control Room Door

Broken Age Γò¼├┤Γö£├▒Γö£Γöé By: Double Fine Productions, Inc. This is a guide to help you get Mom to open the control room door in Broken Age Act 2. If you need more help with the game, try my complete Broken Age Act 2 step-by-step walkthrough. See my other Broken Age guides here. Before Mom will ask Vella any questions, Vella will have to convince her she sounds like Shay. From the trophy…

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Broken Age Act 2 Walkthrough Guide: Tree Joke Solutions (How to Make Him Laugh)

Broken Age Γò¼├┤Γö£├▒Γö£Γöé By: Double Fine Productions, Inc. After Shay uncovers all of Harm'ny's junk, a singing fish falls from the pile and gets stuck in the talking tree's branches. You need to get him to shake it out by laughing. There are a few different ways to make this happen. I will try to cover them all here, but if you find any others, please let me know. If you're finding…

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Broken Age Act 2 Walkthrough Guide: Untying the Knots (Knot Puzzle)

Broken Age Γò¼├┤Γö£├▒Γö£Γöé By: Double Fine Productions, Inc. One of the trickiest puzzles in Broken Age by Double Fine Productions is untying the knot holding together Harm'ny Lightbeard's cloud. This guide will explain what to do. If you still need help. Feel free to ask in the comments section. See my step-by-step Broken Age Act 2 walkthrough. See my other Broken Age guides. First, you need Shay to visit Meriloft and climb…

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